Thursday 25 June 2015

Best description of the Galenic degrees I have found.

Hot (Purify)
Cold (Hold the organism together)
First Degree
Opens the pores of the skin and tissues to let fluids flow out
Cools the body, on a hot summer day, refreshes the spirits, and returns the temperature to normal
Second Degree
Thins fluids so that they can flow out through the pores
Abates active inflammations
Third Degree
Increases the innate heat of the body that drives the fluids out through the pores
Thickens and contains substances within the organism, such as sweat and diarrhea, also condensing “vapors” that rise and cause nervousness, restlessness, and madness
Fourth Degree
Burns the skin to remove foreign growths
Causes unconsciousness and pain relief

Measures of humidity

Hardens to such an extent that it causes a boundary that keeps things within, especially fluids.
~ “strengthening to nature” (acclimatizing, resistance building)
~binding (astringent)

“Moisture spreads unstoppably in all directions until it meets a boundary.”
~loosening or relaxing

Adapted from: Wood, Matthew. The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. North Atlantic Books: Berkley, 2008. Pages 5 – 7.